Friday, April 06, 2001

na na hey hey kiss him goodbye "I tried to calm him down," said Gamera. "He was just losing it, man. He started yelling at Probst, calling him a 'primate supremacist', and saying how the whole thing was rigged. It was gettng out of hand. And then it happened..."

Anguirus, in a fit of rage, promptly trampled Jeff Probst and proceeded to devour him. "Hula Hoop this, you sonovabitch!" screamed the spiked dinosaur as he stuffed the hapless Probst in his gaping maw.

i'm liking the Monster Island version much better than Australia. when was the last time a contestant tried to eat the host on the CBS show (speaking of which, there's a nice little tie-in for that. read some Survivor Haiku for more)?

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