Monday, March 12, 2001

i have decided to work on loosening the hold procrastination has on me. i put too much off. i now have 31 books queued for reading. at my current pace, i will finish the 383 pager i'm now working on sometime around Chriskwanzukkah time. i have dustbunnies living in my bathroom that are the size of house cats. my car has needed an oil change since August.

to make myself a more productive person, i am setting some goals for myself for this week:
  • finish my current read by Thursday evening (which means by Wednesday evening because i have plans Thursday after work).
  • oil change on car (half credit for having a mechanic do it)(yes, i can do my own oil changes).
  • propose a budget for myself.
  • promptly ignore budget by buying new shoes this week, a CD or two, and maybe some new clothes.
  • haircut. haircut. need haircut.
  • say 'so long!' to goatee growth and return to clean-shavenality. tonight.
  • clean up all the little hairs that fall from the pre-shave trim of my goatee. tonight. (if i don't put it on the list, i won't do it).
  • clean bathroom. reveal to world that antique finish fixtures in bathroom are actually supposed to be shiny chrome.
  • learn Spanish (other than what i hear on Taco Bell commercials, or come ons).

i think that should work for now. i don't want to overextend myself and give up totally in frustration. we'll see how long it take me to return to my procrastinating, underachieving ways.

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