Monday, February 26, 2001

for anyone who's ever wondered, honey-lemon TheraFlu tastes nothing like honey or lemon. it's just all around a nasty flavor. i'd rather suck on an aspirin.

last night, i had the lemon flavor nightime formula of TheraFlu. it was only the second time i'd used this product, so i just assumed that 'nighttime' meant that it helps you sleep. after gulping the not-quite-as-nasty-as-honey-lemon drink down, i read the active ingredients on the package. one of them is pseudoephedrine hydrochloride. as any good (i.e. educated) asthmatic would, i recognized it as a bronchodilator. and as anyone running a meth lab can tell you, it keeps you awake.

a nighttime formula that keeps you awake. and i'd just chugged it.

sometime around 2:30 this morning, tired of lying in bed and sweating (something else a bronchodilator does), i got up and watched Cleo use the tarot to help those in need (such a wonderful, selfless woman).

at 3:30, i went back to bed and finally fell asleep. i promptly began dreaming of the house my grandparents moved out of when i was 7, giant spiders, ancient Mesopotamian curses and Mayan temples (complete with nearly unsolvable puzzles, modern elevators, and floorshows on the main level. i swear, i didn't take anything other than the TheraFlu).

happy me still made it to work at 7:00 (quite a feat considering that i don't have to be here until 9:00). i may be a little grouchy today, but i doubt anyone will notice the difference.

i should get to work. missing four days of an already short month can't be good for my productivity numbers.

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