Sunday, August 10, 2003

Having now had just over a month of wonderful Lazy Time, it's time to seek out gainful employment. Can't be a sponge forever, I suppose.

I've spent the interim pointedly not being online. The world sucks, and I pretty much wanted to ignore it for a while. Also, it has been a little difficult adjusting to the idea of an upcoming Buffy-free fall season. I'd only been able to turn the show on a couple of times but happened to catch a couple of my favorite eps ("Passion" and "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered"). I'm getting better though, and I'm pledging to not go totally out of touch with the world again. I may have missed out on the Firefly preorder opportunity.

So, to satisfy my Slayer craving, New Friend Cody loaned his Xbox to me so I could play the Buffy game I'd bought several months ago. I was a little disappointed at first that the actress they got to voice Buffy didn't sound like Sarah Michelle Gellar, but a few minutes into the game, I was marvelling at how much she does sound like SMG. This game kicks ass. I LOVE beheading vamps and dusting them with a thrown stake or a crossbow, and I get positively ecstatic when a perfectly executed kick knocks a suck-head into a conveniently positioned broken chair leg. I am SO looking forward to the next one, due out later this month.

The other major thing I played was Enter the Matrix. One of the few complaints I'd heard about the Buffy game was that it was too short (I disagree with that), but Enter the Matrix was completely playable in a few days. The game consists mainly of getting from Point A to Point B while killing various security guards, and the driving/flying levels absolutely suck (boring much?). The best things about the game is the bullit time (use a hack to get unlimited focus and just play with that) and that the storyline of the game parallels and intersects with the storyline of The Matrix: Reloaded. The game was fine, but I'm glad I didn't have to pay the $7 to rent it.

Currently have Silent Hill 3 here, waiting to test it out. Jason has played it a little, and it looks good. May make job seeking very difficult this week.