Wednesday, January 08, 2003

I was hoping that the end of the holiday season would mean a leveling-off of work, but it seems that the (Sorta) Big Wigs at TV Guild have made some decisions that greatly increase my workload. More details on that another time (ooh! suspense!).

I wanted to spend the day analyzing last night's Buffy, but my workload wouldn't permit it, and won't for long time, I think. Coupled with some projects I have going on elsewhere, I probably won't be getting much Buffy-talk done in the near future.

Hotmail is flubbed up for me again. I get "You are not authorized" messages or "Page Not Found." I started having these problems when the company decided to upgrade my browser, so either TV Gruel or Microsoft is responsible [sound hypothesis, if I ignore the fact that it's also happening to me at home]. Seriously, I'm not ignoring anyone.

Lastly, my Buffy s3 DVDs didn't come in. I've decided to blame FOX for this, only because I haven't said in a couple of days that FOX fucking sucks (If you say "Fucking Sucks" fast enough, it sounds like FOX, you know, and for good reason).

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