Thursday, May 30, 2002

via Dark Horizons:

item 1: Looks like the reports of Ethan Embry joining the cast were premature. Variety reports that Alan Cumming has signed to play the shadowy blue-tinted teleporting mutant Nightcrawler when shooting begins in Vancouver on June 17th. The news of Aaron Stanford as Pyro is correct however, whilst Ian McKellan said in a recent interview about what we can expect: "To ensure my compliance with this understandable constraint (the lengthy legal disclaimer), each page of my script is over-printed with my name. Not wishing to spoil anyone's enjoyment of the sequel, let alone risking incarceration in a Fox-ey plastic cell, I intend to obey my orders, I'm afraid".

item 2: "Encouraged by the success of the UK tour he [Andrew Lloyd Weber] wants to fast tracked "Sunset Boulevard" for production [into film]... Edward Norton, Robert Downey, Jr and Hugh Jackman are wanted for the male lead"

(Hugh Jackman can have any role, whether he he fits it or not, as long as he has at least one extended half-naked scene)

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