Wednesday, March 27, 2002

the WB is dropping Glory Days. i don't know if the show sucked that badly, as i've never seen an episode and had no interest in doing so. besides, they put Angel on vacation to show that last few eps of Glory Days, which is a bad way to keep viewers like me who watch only Angel on Mondays. and it pissed me off too, so i wouldn't watch GD out of spite anyway.

speaking of pissing me off, the WB still won't be bringing Angel back until April 15. between now and then, they'll be showing repeats of the makes-me-want-to-vomit-because-i-hate-that-fraking-show-that-much Seventh Heaven. this means that here in Tulsa, our local WB affiliate, which has syndicated SHit on at 9pm, will be showing three straight hours of SHit (i mean besides the three hours of shit shown on Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays). i can't wait until that show ends up on ABC Family. you know it will.

in other Gets The Axe news, the WB also cut No Boundaries and My Guide to Becoming a Rock Star. i'm so broken up by this. feh, not really. i'd never heard of either until now.

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