Wednesday, January 30, 2002

i stopped by the breakroom for a cup of coffee, and they had the television tuned to whatever channel is showing the Superbowl news conference. some guy named Tom who is the quarterback for one of the teams (i still don't know who's playing. don't want to) was answering questions. they really shouldn't let players speak on camera. the guy's a total dumb-ass. 'I'm comfortable with him, and he's comfortable with me, and he's comfortable with himself and I'm comfortable with myself.'

this is only my second post of the day, and i've already used "-ass" three times. today's an -ass day. i'm declaring today Internation Ass Day, so, either sit on yours all day, or get off of yours and haul it somewhere, and maybe go tap some if that's how you want to celebrate. let's all celebrate Ass!

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