Tuesday, September 25, 2001

ok, so now that i have a little time (i.e., i'm goofing off again), it's time to write a little about Angel: [may be SPOILERS ahead!]

i was very pleased with this episode. except for a couple of minor things (Wesley's hair during his first scene: what the hell was that?!?), it was, all in all, a worthy episode. i had two big concerns about this episode (and this season, by extension): first, would Buffy's death be ignored or glossed over? second, how is Fred going to fit into the group?

i was happy with the way they handled the aftershocks of Buffy's death. Angel had to go away for a while, and just returned at the beginning of this episode. Wesley, Gunn and Cordelia made mention of it a few times through the episode, and Cordy showed and expressed a great deal of concern for how Angel was dealing with it. it wasn't mentioned off-handedly, and i think it was VERY appropriate (and maybe some hints for future developments?) for Angel and Cordy to be the ones discussing how it affected Angel, especially after the things James said to Angel about (paraphrased) 'you didn't love her, because, had you, you wouldn't be able to live.' handled very well, i think.

Fred is going to take longer to decide upon. it was right that she be reclusive during Angel's absence. she hid out alone for so long on Pylea, Angel was the one who rescued her and took her away from her Cave of Solitude, and she's a couple of digits short of making a collect call. it was good that she not be out interacting with the Cordy, Wes and Gunn, but it still hasn't answered any of the questions about how she's going to fit in with the others. in fact, at the end of the episode, Angel and Co. walked out, on their way to whereever, and no one gave a thought to "Hey, are we sure Fred's going to be ok here alone in a place where an enemy had just invaded and attacked?" we'll have to give her some more time, but i do agree with Jean: she's got to get rid of that annoying accent.

other little things about the episode that i liked: Angel jumping out of the dorm window to do some roof top hopping, hopping, hopping in pursuit of the baddies; Dennis hasn't been forgotten! Cordy's post-vision breakdowns are still getting worse, though she's trying to keep the others from seeing it; the Host singing!

things that bugged me: the shakey camera thing during fight scenes, along with that strange edit-at-the-moment-the-blow-lands during the James/Angel fight scene. both of them irritated me. i hope they don't become regular parts of the show.

good quotes: Cordy, after receiving a pendant from Angel-- "Look how it brings out my breasts!"
Cordy-- "I'm Cordelia. I don't think. I know."

memorable lines that cracked me up but weren't meant the way i took them: Gunn to Angel - "Thanks for the head, bro."

fight scenes: Angel vs. Demon Monks was ok, but the Angel vs James fight was pretty kick ass. James turned out to be a tougher opponent than he looked, and i liked the way he snatched the Cordelia-tossed stake out of the air and took to Angel with it. too bad James died spontaneously.

WTF?? scenes: Darla. is. pregnant.

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