Monday, July 23, 2001

Saturday was my eldest nephew's fifth birthday. he made out with a buttload of Pokemon goods, which he refuses to share with me. all in all, the day was good, the kids were fun, and being with the family was pleasant for the entire party, something that doesn't happen too often.

yesterday, i had both of my sisters and their sons over for a cookout. after lunch, we watched movies (Dude, Where's My Car and Bring It On. i love those movies) and played Pokemon Memory with the boys. another pleasant afternoon with the family that distracted me from my weekend project of cleaning, rearranging, and replanting the variety of salad goods growing around my back porch.

today, it's back at work where i discover that my schedule had been changed (moved back two hours), and this will be the last week in my spacious cubicle. the lazy Bastard Boss has decided to move us upstairs into the sea of unwashed (literally, for some) TVGuide humanity. it smells funny up there, like the way an office full of people smells. i don't like it, and i'll be left with only a desk. not even a cubicle. i may try a Les Nessman and put down some lines on the floor to represent walls and igmore people who don't "knock" on the imaginary door.

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