Tuesday, July 03, 2001

ok, so there are a couple of things i mentioned here that i said 'more later' about.

first up- Fray: the comic book store i hate so much actually had it this time (i guess the bitching paid off., plus, they had a couple of books that i've been wanting but hadn't gone out to get). anyway, Fray #1 is well worth the cover price. i think this, the first of an eight issue mini-series, does a fine job of setting up the far future background. i like the art, and i think Joss and Co. set up the characterization nicely. i like that she has no idea that she's the Slayer, since no Slayer has been called in two centuries, and i really like what they're doing with the Council of Watchers. it's a good establishing story. i'll definitely be buying the next issue.

the other 'more later' was about me learning how to use the DVD player (hey, i'd never used one before). i figured it all out, and promptly rented a couple of movies to play with. the first was Dungeons and Dragons. i can't say i was too pleased with that decision.

if you were trying to make a movie based on a hobby that is considered, alternately, freakish, satanic, or ultra-geeky, and it was a hobby that's entire basis is the telling of epic fantastical adventures of daring daringness and courageous bravery, wouldn't you, at least, make sure the story was a good story? wouldn't that be the first priority? and wouldn't you have buttloads of material to choose from if you've been releasing story modules for something like thirty years? how could they have failed in that!?! and that's not even the worst part of the movie! there were so many points in the film where i half expect Darth Maul to come stepping out of the shadows (you know, the evil Councilor/Senator with the secret identity, the girl Empress/Queen, the swords...). what was with the guy with the blue lipstick? the characters were flat and stereotypical (stereotypical of a D&D adventuring group, i mean, complete with the flimsy reason for the characters to be working together), and i found no reason to like any of them. ::sigh:: it sucked.

the one good thing though was skyful of dragons. i really liked that.

the second movie i rented was Charlie's Angels. again, not the greatest story, but hey, we're talking about Charlie's Angels. since the entire movie was, essentially, one big tit-jiggle, my focus for this one was on how much fun it'd be. and it was fun. kicking ass without using guns is cool. kicking ass with martial arts is extremely cool, and there was even a sword (as i've said before, the easiest way to get me watch a film is to put a sword in it)! another thing i like to see is women kicking ass, and there's loads of it. and good lord, if Cameron Diaz were a man, i'd date him. she is so fluid and graceful in motion. it's absolutely sexy.

the one thing that disturbed me much too much: George McFly as the neck-slicing, (attempted) ass kicking villain.

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