Friday, July 13, 2001

hmm. the WB is pissed, not only over its complete shut-out but particularly the snubbing of Buffy in this week's prime-time Emmy nominations. folks, i read through the nominees, and i'd be pissed too. actually, i am pissed. the nominees were the same shows over and over. hell, does the cast of Will & Grace have "Permanent Nominee" status or somthing? yes, Buffy is genre television, which is generally not well represented in the Emmy nominees, but "The Body", the episode which picks up with Buffy finding her mother dead, is good television. it's fucking great television. Joss Whedon, as writer and director of that episode, deserves a nomination for it. instead, we get the shows with the highest ratings, and the shows that "everyone's talking about." ratings certainly aren't the way to discover quality television, and listening to the same mindless sheep who watch When the Funniest Police Car Crashes Attack is idiocy. i now hold the Emmys in the same disregard as i do the Oscars, the MTV Movie Awards, the Blockbuster Entertainment Awards, and anything with "People's Choice" in the title.

thank you.

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