Friday, June 29, 2001

news from our World Desk (stolen from CNN):

44 year old schoolgirl assaulted in Japan.
Man divorces wife via text message on his mobile phone.
52 men in Egypt charged with bad praying and sodomy.

attached to the grouping of stories about Milosevic is a photo of a man holding a sign that reads "Send Him to Texas". i'm wondering if the gentleman in the photo is indicating that he wants Smilodon executed, or if he just thinks a trip to Texas would be punishment enough.

i shouldn't make fun of Texas, since it appears that i'll be spending my vacation there. i'll try to talk Mikey into a detour into Louisiana (who wouldn't want to see the world's largest collection of wrought iron?), but just in case, can anyone tell me what's in Texas besides the Alamo and a heavily-polluted-yet-under-water Houston?

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