Friday, March 09, 2001

i just received my copy of the department productivity report for last month. according to the report, all total, i only worked 55.7% of the time. now, that can be adjusted some for the 4 days i was out sick, so it's actually a little better than that. not a lot though.

the problem isn't that i spend too much time goofing off (though i do). the problem is my speed. it's been stepped on so many times that it's not.... oops. wrong speed.

anyway, the problem is that i'm able to finish my work so quickly that i'm left with nothing to do for great portions of the day. i could push my goofing off into those unoccupied times, but the whole point of goofing off is to be doing it while you're supposed to be doing something else. if i did it when i don't have any work, then it wouldn't really be goofing off, would it? so what's a guy to do?

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