Wednesday, February 07, 2001

how exactly do Saints receive their patronage assignments? i always thought it had something to do with what they'd done in life (e.g., i thought that, when it is said that Saint So-and-So is patron of goat herders, it is because he or she was a goat herder). i see that i am wrong about this by the proposal to make St. Isidore the patron of Internet Users , and i'm fairly certain Isidore didn't own a computer (and if he did, it'd probably be a Mac anyway. eeg!).

how does the Saint feel about this? he's sitting there in Heaven, doing whatever it is Saints do up there when they aren't the Patron of anything, then suddenly people are asking him to bless their modem? did anyone ask him if it was okay to invoke his name for more accurate Google searches?

i think i'd be a little irritated if i were him, maybe do something like cause the Vatican some some server problems, or change all their passwords, just to teach them a lesson.
[this entry is a blessing of sturtle]
(no offense to Catholics intended. i'm not a Blasphemer, but i play one on TV)

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