Thursday, January 18, 2001

more fun tests from Emode, and my results:

Which Executive Are You?

Okay, we have to ask — what are you doing taking this test? Because from your answers, it doesn't look like you're gunning for the big corner office right now. Heck, you're not even interested. But since everyone deserves a title, here's yours: Correspondence Technician (or Mailroom Master, if you like that one better). Yep, that's right — you're meant for the mailroom. But, knowing you as we do, we don't think that's going to be a problem. You're a laid-back, cheerful person who's not into the whole ambition thing. Why should you put in 10- or 12-hour days busting your butt for someone else's bottom line? You just want to be able to pay the rent, with enough left over for a little fun, of course. Work isn't your main priority in life; life is. Which is fine with us. As long as you're happy, we're happy. Enjoy!

i just don't fit into the corporate world.

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